Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good-bye blog

This is officially the last post of Georgia's life. I'm leaving this blog up but not posting. ever. again. I feel like Lola does, and why she left her blog. I'll still look at your blogs, sometimes....but my comments will be anonymous.



Claire said...

AWWWW! GEorgia no!!!!

Anonymous said...

aawwee .. who cares how many blogs there are .. just have fun with yours .. if you are not having fun then I understand leaving .. your blog should just be something you do for fun and not worry about anyone elses blogs .. we would miss you if you leave .. but this is for fun ..


Claire said...

I saw you commented on my mom's blog! We don't have any sorry!

mattbrookelyndi said...

savannah do you remeber my blog choir girl well its brooke i like your blog its nice

Holly said...

Aww! How am I supposed to keep in touch with you now? You have become such a great friend to me! I don't want to loose you! You have always been on my blog even when nobody else was!

Cara said...

Can you follow me i follow back !