Saturday, February 20, 2010

New youtube video!!!

Ya! We finally have a new YouTube video!To watch, go down to my video bar, click any video then at the bottom of the video it will have the video's name. Click on it and you will go to YouTube; the video you clicked will be playing. On the side it will say stepholeary's channel or something like that. Click it and it will take you to my channel. Then you will see it. it's more A.G. stuff you can make and a tour. It's something like that. If you can't find anything similar to the name I gave you on my channel, look at the descriptions. It will say something about Lilly Rose and more things you can make. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Muzzy said...

Yes you can use AG clothes! You can use any clothes you want I don't know when it will start do to AGMA and ADMA times I don't want to keep people too busy ;) But i do want to do this ASAP. THERE IS NO CATAGORY FOR YOUR ENTRY VIDEO!!! I will post again when it starts! Good luck on that doll!